About ZL Morris
Hi, I'm ZL, but most just call me Wench

The words tend to flow easier when I'm talking about my characters, but I always seem to get stuck when I try to talk about myself. So, where to start. I'm from the UK, although my body clock would prefer me to be on an American time zone. I have two children, and refer to them as Mini and Monster.
I have to admit that I wasn't ever the type of child or teenager to have my head stuck in a book, and I only started to take reading seriously when mini me became poorly. Lots of hospital visits meant I needed time to escape while the baby was sleeping… a book monster was born.
Guilty secret
I've not read or watched any Harry Potter. When I started reading I jumped straight in at the deep end with smut. Lots, and lots of smut.
Where it all began.
I joined a group in 2015 and they introduced me to Fan-fiction. And this is where the real fun began. Two short months it took for a couple of wenches to convince me to try my hand at writing. While I thought I'd give it a shot with the intention of showing them how shockingly bad I was… it bit me royally on the backside because my friends wanted more.